
Friday, March 18, 2011

The Big One

I have recently been faced with one of the hardest choices I have had to make. I am forced to choose between doing High School Cheerleading or All-Star Cheerleading my senior year at Emery High School. On one hand, I love high school. I have improved my cheerleading skills immensely this year. My toe-touches are ten times better than before; my tuck is getting higher and cleaner; my motions are shaper; and my performance ability has grown. In high school, I get much more attention as well… which I thoroughly enjoy. However, those cheerleaders are not as committed as they need to be. It is hard giving your all to a team you care about, when nobody else cares about it the same way. All-Star teams compete. I love competing; it is my favorite part of cheer. Where as, cheer is the largest exponent in my life; competing is obviously an important part in my decision. My heart literally feels torn, but I am going with the All-Star team next year.